I’ve often thought of joy as a place of deep contentment. Contentment has been this illusive place that I’ve sought after but found that in my own strength I could not seem to get myself to this place.
It has been a process of God shaping and changing my heart where I have been wooed into His rest that I have found this deep peace and contentment into whatever circumstances He has led me.
Does that mean every situation is fun? No, not even a little bit.
But the more I’ve pursued Jesus, the more I’ve found purpose in each moment–even the smallest, seemingly pointless ones. God is near and at work ALWAYS. He is moving to complete His work in me (Philippians 1:6) and His Kingdom work in the hearts of those around me.
It is here, that I find rest and contentment.
In this final lesson, Paul challenges us with the secret of being content in any and every situtaiton. Whether well-fed or hungry (physically or emotionally), Paul commissions believers to press on finding strength for each circumstances in Jesus Christ.
We serve a good, good Father. As you lean in today, ask God to move in you. Trust Him as He stretches you and believe in His promises that He will see you through.